Annual General Meeting
At long last we were able to hold our Annual General Meeting. Before the meeting Andy M0IEY made sure the shack and shed painting was finished, just the fence to finish off now. I do wish he had wiped his feet before going into the village hall for the AGM.

20 members were present for the AGM which was over in record time; 24 minutes!! Members of the committee are:
Chairman – Steve M5ZZZ
Secretary – Pam G4STO
Treasurer = Stephen M5SJM
Activity Office – To be co-opted from the list of ordinary committee members below:
Ordinary Committee Members: Andy M0IYE, Peter 2E0FGA, Richard M7RKK, Alistair M0TEF, Les G1LQB, Roger G3PVU and David M7OYN.
After the meeting commemorative mugs were handed out to those members present; my only complaint they are for right handed people.

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