Early Nineties Contest Group
This ‘Contest Group’ photo was taken in the mid-nineties and I think the venue was the White Car Park on the Lincolnshire Show Ground.
Continue reading →This ‘Contest Group’ photo was taken in the mid-nineties and I think the venue was the White Car Park on the Lincolnshire Show Ground.
Continue reading →LSWC held its second successful Foundation Examination of 2017 on Saturday 11th February with 12 candidates passing their examination, 7 of them from the Lincs 4×4 Response Group; that is 14 in all from Lincs 4×4 this year. In the ‘classroom’ prior to the exam Just 8 of the successful candidates
Continue reading →Candidates on the second Foundation Course of 2017 for LSWC
Continue reading →On Wednesday 25th Jan Ian G4XFC gave a very informative talk on the Magnetic Loop aerial explaining the principles of the loop and showing that they were not as difficult to make as often perceived. The talk mainly concentrated on making a QRP portable loop that can be assembled and operated in less than 5 minutes. The talk has motivated some of the members to have a go making a portable loop for themselves, which was the main purpose of Ian’s talk. Because of this Ian has decided to have a Magnetic Loop workshop on Saturday the 18th of February … Continue reading →
Another successful day at the Village Hall with 7 members of the Lincs 4×4 Response Group passing their Foundation Examination. It was touch and go whether or not this examination would take place as members of the group had been put onto standby by the Red Cross and Lincs Resilience Forum for potential flooding on the bank of the Humber. Luckily the Humber behaved itself. Pictured l-r Simon Wray, Darrell Storey, Christopher Harris, Christopher Birch, Ian G4XFC (Tutor), Benjamyn Damazeri, Arthur Harrison and David Mowbray.
Continue reading →The Annual General Meeting of the Club took place on Wednesday 11 January 2017 and the following members were elected onto the Committee: Chairman – Ian G4EVK Secretary – Pam G4STO Treasurer – Terry G7JFI Activity Officer – Ian G4XFC Ordinary Committee Members Alistair – M0TEF Bob – G7AVU Les – G1LQB Roger G3PVU Steve M5ZZZ Item 13 on the agenda was presentation of awards and the photo below shows Peter M0EJL being presented with the Joe Rose Memorial Trophy for Construction. Other photos show members present at the AGM.
Continue reading →Another busy Saturday at the club: the first of the 2017 Foundation Courses started with 10 candidates from Lincs 4×4. The practical elements of the course were completed with help from G1FLL, M0EJL, G1LQB and 2E0FGA; 2E0YBG was at the end of a radio at home. While this was going on Ian G4EVK replaced a switch in the photocopier and Roger G3PVU was looking for faults in another piece of equipment.
Continue reading →The pictures below show members of the club preparing the village hall for our Christmas Dinner which was held on 14th December. Thanks to Peter and Carolyn Kendal and Peter and Sue Gray who got the hall ready and Steve Burke who got the tree; you see, it doesn’t just happen by itself!!! Unfortunately the lights were turned off and it was too dark to take photos so I have no pictures of members that attended the dinner. Wisby Family Butchers from Wragby provided the outside catering.
Continue reading →Gerry at Poacher 2013 Gerry after being presented with Honorary Life Membership William (Gerry) Duffner, G6KGG, sadly became a silent key on the afternoon of 10th December 2016. Gerry was a honorary life member of Lincoln Short Wave Club where he had been a member since June 1992 (24 years) when we met at the City Engineers Club in Lincoln. Until his illness, Gerry had been on the committee of the club for many years and was the Examination Secretary and an Instructor for the Foundation and Intermediate Courses. When moving to Aisthorpe in 2008 Gerry was there helping in … Continue reading →
It was all hands on path this morning clearing leaves outside the shack; Ken G3NIC and Peter G1FLL brought leaf vacs, I took a yard brush and shovel (for others to use!!). Joe 2E0ECF and Geoff 2E0YBG used the brush and shovel very professionally and Les G1LQB cleared a way for Peter and his vacuum. Ken worked single handed at the west end of the shack! An excellent job was done by all including Art (he helped throw some junk away from the end of the shack) who only joined the club this morning; does he realise what he has let … Continue reading →
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