Pam Rose, G4STO
Pamela Rose (G4STO). Silent Key – 25th September 1944 – 11th November 2024.
Pam has been a member of the club since the late 1970’s having joined with her late beloved husband Joe, who sadly died suddenly in 1992. Both of them loved the club and the hobby and Pam following his death, was determined to fulfil Joe’s wish by helping to keep the club on ‘an even keel’. Taking on various positions on the committee, including the chairperson, treasurer at times and for nearly 3 decades as club Secretary.
Pam knew exactly what was required of her, she was a completely reliable person and was able to give 100% to our club business, despite many other interests she pursued in her local area. In the last few years, she also amazingly found time to have her hair completely shaved off on a couple of occasions, in a bid to raise, very successfully, much needed cash for cancer charities. She was a lovely lady with a drive that was the envy of many.
Pam was also instrumental in ensuring our club move from the Railway Club in the center of Lincoln to Aisthorpe some 20 years ago, was done seamlessly, giving particular attention to the legal and planning aspects of the move. Similar support was given when we established a World War Two radio museum and radio shack at The Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirkby in 2005.
Pam was a great team person, gave unstinted support to the club chairpersons and the rest of the committees over the years. She also involved herself in a wide scope of club activities such as administering our annual general meetings, arranging Amateur Radio Examinations for new members, sorting summer Bar-B-Ques, fixing up our annual Christmas Dinner and setting our Christmas Quiz to name but a few! She was also a very good photographer. Her photographs, together with their associated stories, appeared regularly on our club website and in our club reports sent to the Radio Society of Great Britain to be published in RADCOM. She was indeed a multi-talented person.
Over the past five years or so Pam has represented The LSWC on The National HAMFEST (Lincoln) Ltd board who manage the HAMFEST at the Newark Show-ground each September.
Pam was objective, acted as a communication hub on all aspects of our business and just got on with it without any fuss! You knew exactly where you stood with Pam, she was direct and stated clearly how she felt about any controversial issues. She did not however hold any grudges and moved on from any disagreements, which was very refreshing. If you wanted anything doing well, well ‘ask a busy person’ – Pam was that person!
Throughout her illness Pam never complained, indeed right up until a couple of weeks before being admitted to hospital in October she was taking our club committee meeting minutes and publishing within a couple of days as she has done for years. She approached her cancer diagnose as something to confront and overcome. During her last year Pam was very proud of the many miles she had covered on her bicycle to help keep herself as fit as she could. The chemo-therapy sometimes meant that she could not meet us at the club for a few days as she was, of course, vulnerable to infection. She dealt with her plight with great courage and dignity, she was a remarkable lady, highly regarded by us all at the club. We are so grateful for her dedication to our club over so many years, she will be missed. Her impressive legacy will be with us for many years to come.
Written by Peter Kendall, M0EJL, Club President on behalf of the Clubs Committee and All Members Past and Present.
Below are some images we have of Pam from various club events and activities. If you have any more then please share them with us.

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