Mike 2E0YYY talks about SOTA
The club was given a very interesting talk about how Summits on the Air works and the difference between the “Activator” of the summit (Mountain Goat) and the “Chaser” (Shack Sloth) by Mike 2E0YYY a prolific “Mountain Goat” himself.
It is well organised and has a web database to confirm contacts for the point system. Activated summits have different point due to the accessibility of the summit rather than the height of it. By going to SOTAwatch2 it gives a list of active summits marked in red and it is updated in real time. the page also lists advance notice of summits that are going to be activate. This page is a must for chasers.
If you are interested in joining in, then there is a comprehensive page here and you must Register As A Sota Participant

Mike 2E0YYY
Tim M6ZRT has registered the club call G6COL with SOTA so the club can participate from the shack and has said he is willing to fill in the SOTA database if members give him their logs. The time on the logs for each contact must be accurate or the club will not get the points. Tim is also willing to organise expeditions to summits to show members how to activate the summits. Contact Tim for more information.
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