Down at the shack
This morning at the shack was a blast! We had a fun building session with lots of exciting projects to dive into, and it was great to see so many members drop by to check out what we were working on!
Continue reading →This morning at the shack was a blast! We had a fun building session with lots of exciting projects to dive into, and it was great to see so many members drop by to check out what we were working on!
Continue reading →Mark your calendars for the exciting second event of 2025, happening over four fun-filled days! We’re thrilled to announce that this event is open to everyone, and we’re planning some interactive games for the kids. We can’t wait to see you there!
Continue reading →Pamela Rose (G4STO). Silent Key – 25th September 1944 – 11th November 2024. Pam has been a member of the club since the late 1970’s having joined with her late beloved husband Joe, who sadly died suddenly in 1992. Both of them loved the club and the hobby and Pam following his death, was determined to fulfil Joe’s wish by helping to keep the club on ‘an even keel’. Taking on various positions on the committee, including the chairperson, treasurer at times and for nearly 3 decades as club Secretary. Pam knew exactly what was required of her, she was … Continue reading →
Unfortunately I was not able to help at the National Hamfest again this year but, much to my surprise, the volunteers from LSWC and other clubs managed extremely well without me!! I have been getting regular updates and I understand everyone was amazing and this led to a very smooth day one, everything was set up and ready for the exhibitors arrival by lunchtime on Wednesday. Below are a few photos from Thursday and Friday.
Continue reading →it wasn’t all sitting around at the shack last night, Graham M1DHV, spent time sign writing our latest acquisition, a trailer to transport equipment to Special Event Stations.
Continue reading →Another successful Summer Rally was held on 14th July at the Festival Hall, Market Rasen. Our next rally is our Winter Rally which will be held on Sunday 26th January 2025, hope to see you there. Below are a few photos from the Sunday.
Continue reading →I’d heard them talking about the UKAC Contests so I decided to go to the shack to see what was happening. On Tuesday it was the 70cms contest and when I got there Steve M5ZZZ and Marc M7DEU were in full swing, Mary M6SWZ arrived a little later. Best dx of the evening was G3UDA at a distance of 166km. On Thursday it was 6 metres, a band I haven’t worked for over 30 years. Again Mary, Marc and Steve were busy by the time I arrrived. I actually helped with this contest, I was in charge of the rotator. … Continue reading →
Club members Stephen M5SJM, Les G1LQB, Graham M1DHV, Marc M7DEU and Steve M5ZZZ enjoyed a weekend at the Fir Park Show putting on the Special Event Station GB5FPS, they worked about 130 stations. Pam G4STO also made an appearance on Saturday and took a few photos so she could write a bit for Once again Marc was in charge of the cooking. Sorry I didn’t get a picture but Felicity, M1DHVs daughter was there singing songs from the 1940s. We had visits from a number of radio amateurs including several members of the club. Pity the weather wasn’t a … Continue reading →
At their Annual General Meeting on the 18th May 2024 the members elected a new President, Peter Kendall M0EJL. Peter replaces John Birkett G8OPP who was President from 1979 until his death in April 2022. Peter has been an active member of the club for almost 25 years, he served on the committee for a number of years and was Chairman for five years. Also at the AGM the following members were re-elected/elected onto the Committee: Steve, M5ZZZ – ChairmanPam, G4STO – SecretaryStephen, M5SJM – TreasurerRoger, G3PVULes, G1LQBMary, G6SWZMarc, M7DEUGraham, M1DHVDavid, M6OYNAlistair, M0TEF
Continue reading →Today we erected the aerials and accommodation ready for demonstrating amateur radio to hundreds of scouts over the Bank Holiday weekend. Please listen out for GB0LV and if you hear us then give us a call, we’ll be pleased to work you.
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