Getting ready for Poacher
86% of the club missed a fun filled afternoon getting ready for Poacher, Lincolnshire’s International Scout and Guide Jamboree which is once again being held on the Lincolnshire Showground. Scouts and Guides aged 10-17 inclusive from around the world can attend Poacher and we anticipate between 400 and 500 will visit the Lincoln Short Wave Club marquee to see what amateur radio is about. Members helping set up were: Steve M5ZZZ, Pam G4STO, Andy M0IYE, Graham M1DHV, Peter M0EJL, Andy M0KED, Stuart 2E0SFK, Bob G3VEV, Les G1LQB, Marc M7DEU. G4DBS, our guest member, from RAF Waddington ARC was also helping. … Continue reading →