Lincoln Short Wave Club runs the SSES GB80LAN
On the 11th and 12th of March the Club had its second weekend in a row of running a special event station. This time the national special event callsign GB80LAN from the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby. The callsign commemorates the first operational flight of the Lancaster from RAF Waddington 80 years ago this month.
This special national call organised by Dave Bloomfield G0KUC is being passed around the three RAF Clubs as well as the home of Just Jane at East Kirkby. The call continues to the end of the month. With Dave himself at Running some FT8 tomorrow the 13th of March from RAF Halton, then RAF Cosford the 15th to 21st of March, and RAF Halton the 22nd to 28th of March. Also the Canadian VE80LAN and Australian VK80LAN continue until the end of the month so have a look for them too.

Despite some high noise levels and much time spent on trying to reduce the noise a great number of stations were worked over the two days. With members of the public getting a chance to view the station. A big thank you to the maintenance staff who spent their time turning various things on and off and Andy keddie M0KED who tried to locate the noise with his Yaseu ft 817 but all to no real avail. The guys just had to plug on working in the high nose levels pulling the stations out of the noise. To make such a remarkable number of contacts was a great team effort set up by a rather good breakfast in the Naafi.

A great time was had by all those members who attended.
Lincoln Short Wave Club runs the SSES GB80LAN — No Comments
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