After the surplus equipment sale, Stephen and Les getting the SteppIR ready for collection.
Continue reading →After the surplus equipment sale, Stephen and Les getting the SteppIR ready for collection.
Continue reading →The change of day and time was a disappointment to some of our regular visitors to the surplus equipment sales but it meant others could come, some on their way to the Spalding Rally. We had visitors from Newcastle, York, Hull, Mansfield and Grantham to name a few places; most visitors were able to pick up a bargain or two or got rid of some of their surplus. Below are a few photos from the day; sorry about the quality I really must invest in a new camera!! Just to prove G4STO was actually at the sale; she looks … Continue reading →
Lincoln Short Wave Club is running a Foundation Course on Saturdays 21st and 28th July with the examination on Saturday 28th July at 1700 hours. Anyone interested in joining this course should contact Pam G4STO on or before the 7th July via the contact form on this website; Pam is at the club Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings by arrangement.
Continue reading →On Saturday G3PVU, G1LQB, G0RQQ and M0TEF started work on getting the 6M HB9CV beam up and running unfortunately they didn’t get finished before having to go home.
Continue reading →On Saturday 2nd June, LSWC are holding a used equipment sale in Aisthorpe Village Hall. Check in of items is from 11am. Refreshments will be available from 12pm. Sale will commence at 12.30pm.
Continue reading →Peter 2E0FGA, Les G1LQB, Alistair M0TEF and Keith G0RQQ took part in Mills on the air from Ellis Mill in Lincoln on Sunday 13th May. Shock came with a station coming in on 2m FM from near Wolverhampton during setup although GB5EM was not set up correctly to work them at that time. Despite a noise level between S5-9 a few contacts were made; even Les had a contact on HF. Contact was also made with Tim M0ZRR a former member of the club and now living in Shepshed. Keith G0RQQ reenacting “the thinker” by Rodin … Continue reading →
This part of the project is to help you understand how we are going to control the motors of the rotator and we are deviating from the 2rpm motor to a higher rpm to be able to quickly move from one location to another at a higher speed then slow down to be able to follow the path of the satellite. In the previous post I gave links to the parts needed and for this part of the project, we will be using the H Bridge, 2 motors, and the Arduino Nano. I have found a good video which explains … Continue reading →
I had been asked to do a talk on the Arduino for a long time but never did get round to it, but I was influenced by Adrian M0NWK’s excellent talk and decided the best thing to do was to do a series of posts on a project that Ian M0RPD asked me to help him with and at the same time give people an understanding of the power of the Arduino system in microcontrollers and its benefits to our hobby of Amateur Radio. This should be a good start to your journey into the Arduino, the project that we … Continue reading →
Another successful day at the club with Dave passing his Foundation exam and Geoff 2E0YBG passing his Advanced exam.
Continue reading →Tonight Jason G7KPM gave a 10 minute talk on his home brew J-Pole dual band antenna; the design was taken from the ARRL Manual. The J-Pole is an effective, low cost antenna made from bits available from Birketts and the local DIY store. This antenna will go well with the new Baofeng dual band radios recently ordered by the club and is a possible project for future candidates on the Intermediate Course. Other topics in the ’10 minute talk’ category were Potholes – Les G1LQB and Wine and Whisky – everyone.
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