Wednesday night at the shack
We are not always serious at LSWC; we do have informal meetings.
Continue reading →We are not always serious at LSWC; we do have informal meetings.
Continue reading →What better way could Tom, G4OSB celebrate his 80th Birthday? About 30 of his friends from LSWC together with XYLs and a couple of children joined Tom at the shack for a Sausage and Burger afternoon prepared by Pam, G4STO and her ‘assistant’ Steve, M5ZZZ. Pam and Steve did Tom proud with the specially selected Sausages and Burgers, salads and sweets. Pam was up until gone mid-night on Friday preparing trifles and fruit salad for the occasion; the sherry trifle was quickly consumed!!! A big ‘thank you’ to all who helped make Tom’s Birthday special. Below are a few photos … Continue reading →
For many years Gerry, G6KGG, has been a loyal and hard-working member of the Lincoln Short Wave Club. He was there when we set up the Permanent Special Event Station at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby, he also helped with fitting out our shack at Aisthorpe and you could always rely on Gerry being there at Special Event Stations and Contests and he has helped get numerous candidates through their Foundation and Intermediate Exams. In recognition of this hard work it was agreed to award Gerry with Honorary Life Membership of the Club and Peter, M0EJL, (Chairman … Continue reading →
Lincoln Short Wave Club is pleased to announce a new Foundation Licence Course to be held at Aisthorpe Village Hall on Saturday the 29th of October for two Saturdays, with the Exam being held on the second Saturday afternoon. The Foundation Licence is the entry level to Amateur Radio, that allows you transmit on the Amateur Bands with a power of 10 watts. More information here. The cost of the course which includes the cost of your Amateur Radio Licence is £45 and if you wish to purchase the “Foundation Licence Now!” book which you will need for the course, … Continue reading →
There is a change to the club programme in July; Wednesday 13th July there is now a talk and film show by Geoff Burton, Trustee/Chairman of the RAF Heritage Centre, about the history of RAF Ingham. This talk starts at the earlier time of 1915 for 1930 as it lasts nearly two hours. This is a must for anyone interested Aviation History. It will take place in the Village Hall, Aisthorpe.
Continue reading →On Wednesday 29th June 2016 I played golf in the pouring rain; when I got home there were messages on my answer machine – “I think it’s the sausage and burger night, is it still on?” “What contingency plans have you?” I was a little dismayed that these people had no faith in my ability to organise the weather; have I let you down in the past? No. I sent out an e-mail saying it was on and only two people decided to stay at home; even Dora turned out. I admit it wasn’t warm enough to sit outside but … Continue reading →
A date for your diary – on 29th June 2016 there will be a Sausage and Burger night at the club. The BBQ will be lit at around 1930 hours and food should be ready by 2000 hours. Everyone welcome but please see Pam and get your name on the list.
Continue reading →A dozen members of the club were given a tour of the Heritage Centre at RAF Scampton on 25th May. RAF Scampton was one of just a few airfields which began life during World War One. It was closed and then re-activated in 1936. In 1943 RAF Scampton became the home of their most famous squadron, 617 Squadron (The Dambusters) also known as Squadron X. Photo courtesy of the internet. Scampton was also the home of the Avro Vulcan bomber during the Cold War period in the 1950s and 1960s; the Vulcan was armed with the Blue … Continue reading →
Members of Lincoln Short Wave Club were delighted that members of the Grantham, RAF Waddington, and Spalding Amateur Radio Clubs were able to join them on Saturday 21st May for a bite to eat and for LSWC to say ‘thank you’ for the support given by their members at the National Hamfest each year. An enjoyable afternoon was had by all. It is hoped that this will be a fixture in the club’s calendar for many years to come. Dora relaxing after a hard morning.
Continue reading →The Surplus Equipment Sale on 27th April was well attended by club members and other amateurs from around the county. With over 120 lots, there were many bargains to be had (see all those goody bags in the photos); I bought a Crock Pot. Ian G4EVK our Chairman and Rob 2E0FTJ assisted our resident auctioneer Bob G7AVU by finding the items for sale and Roger G3PVU, Treasurer and Steve M5ZZZ, Activity Officer happily accepted payments and paid out at the end of the sale. Refreshments were served and photos taken by G4STO. Our next Surplus Equipment Sale will be held on Wednesday … Continue reading →
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