Jamboree on the Air

Lincoln Short Wave Club put on a special event station GB0SCS for JOTA at the Scout Camp Sudbrooke on Saturday 19th October. Les G1LQB collected the equipment from the shack on Friday ready for an early start on Saturday morning. Graham M1DHV, Steve M5ZZZ and Andy M0IYE together with Les set the station up in one of the scout huts. As usual Pam G4STO turned up with a bite to eat early in the afternoon. Equipment used; the club’s FT1000 Field and a nest of dipoles by EA Antennas.

JOTA stations the length and breadth of the UK were worked as well as a few in Europe; a good number of cubs exchanged greetings messages.

Conditions dropped off around 4 o’clock so the station was dismantled and then Graham gave us a tour of the site. We are looking forward to JOTA 2020.
The work of a chainsaw
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