Down at the shack
This morning at the shack was a blast! We had a fun building session with lots of exciting projects to dive into, and it was great to see so many members drop by to check out what we were working on!
Continue reading →This morning at the shack was a blast! We had a fun building session with lots of exciting projects to dive into, and it was great to see so many members drop by to check out what we were working on!
Continue reading →It was a good turnout on Wednesday for Pam’s Quiz Night with 11 teams taking part, unfortunately not many with the right answers!!!! Les G1LQB and David M6OYN and Stephen M5SJM and Kat were joint winners with 9 points each, Les and David won on a tie break, luckily there were enough prizes for all four winners. Les G1LQB and David M6OYN After the quiz members enjoyed a lite buffet. Food, glorious food, sorry no chicken skewer.
Continue reading →The annual construction contest was held on 22nd November: Maurice 2E0HYI had a Morse key he had designed and made and luckily had with him and Ian M7BKF his Kanga Universal Keyer After long and careful consideration by the members present it was agreed that Ian’s keyer should be awarded first place and he should receive the Joe Rose Trophy.
Continue reading →Why do we leave things to the last minute?. Today the Doubet had to be taken down and another put up ready for the SES GB80DAM.on Tuesday 16th May. Unfortunately, this work coincided with a dog training session on the grass by the village hall so we couldn’t get on with the work until after they had gone and several of our helpers also had other commitments and had to go leaving just Les G1LQB and Marc M7DEU to finish the job, they got away cold and hungry by about 1600 hours.
Continue reading →It was a busy Saturday morning today 29/4/2023 at the Lincoln Shortwave Club clubroom at Aisthorpe. One of the many jobs today was to assemble a new “pop up in a jiffy gazebo” and Hampole antenna pole bought new for portable special event station working. G4STO was so impressed with the ones borrowed for the recent special event at the former airfield at RAF Skellingthorpe that she asked the club to purchase some of their own. Les G1LQB had got the frame pulled out ready for assembly and the two Dave’s G0BEN and G1WVO, started the assembly assisted by Brian G4HIV. The … Continue reading →
It’s well over two years since Bob, G7AVU, last visited the club, I’ve been promising to pick him up and get him there one Saturday morning but the Grand Prix kept getting in the way when I was free!!! Saturday 25th was convenient for the two of us so I picked Bob and his XYL Kathleen up and went to the club; I took the scenic route and showed him the late G3OSs QTH, he remembered Frank. We got to the club just before 11, Bob initially remembered Peter M0EJL by his voice and think he remembered a couple … Continue reading →
Stephen(M5SJM) & Andy (M0IYE) assisted by Les (G1LQB) were busy this morning assembling & tuning in the new satellite comms dish for the Oscar-100 geostationary satellite. The bracket which the whole assembly is attached to was put in place by Marc (M6DEU last week. Weather was good albeit chilly. Steve (G6TVP) was also busy with several FT-8 contacts on the club’s Yaesu FT-DX 10. Peter – M0EJL
Continue reading →It isn’t just Saturday mornings that things happen at the club and it isn’t just the club where it happens. On Wednesday evening a ‘working party’ popped over the M0EJLs to pick up a mast for M5ZZZ.
Continue reading →In readiness for the Club going to Poacher 2022, Andy M0IYE, Les G1LQB, Steve M5ZZZ, Graham M1DHV and David M6OYN got the ‘big’ tent out to make sure all parts were there. It took a fair time to put the bits together, all tent erectors were novices at the job, but they got there in the end. They didn’t put the canvas on, they knew where that went. For those that don’t know, Poacher is Lincolnshire’s International Scout and Guide Jamboree and it’s back again for the 11th time in 2022 and runs from 30th July to 6th August. Members … Continue reading →
Another fruitful Saturday morning at the shack, this morning it was cleaning the trailer masts, which haven’t been used for over two years, ready for VHF NFD and Poacher in July all we need now are volunteers for setting up and operating the stations followed by packing up afterwards.
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