Hamfest 2022
As many of you will know we have just had the National Hamfest 2022 and as one of the contributing clubs we had members there as part of the the volunteering team. But this year we had an addition to what we normally do. This year we had a dedicated club stall to promote the club to other radio amateurs.
As usual, setup for the event started on the Wednesday before with a number of members helping travelling via the club to assist loading the equipment before continuing on to Newark Showground. This year had some changes to the usual volunteer lineup from the LSWC with Marc M7DEU, Stuart 2E0SFK and Graham M1DHV joining the team.
Setup appeared to go reasonably smoothly with the Marque being the Tea Tent this year instead for the Army Tent. By the time this was up the majority of the tables inside were setup as well.
Many of the clubs volunteers were camping over so this made the evenings a good time to socialise and enjoy the event after hours.
Thursday was a case of assisting all the stall holders with getting their stock and equipment into the hall and also assisting Les G1LQB in managing the arrivals while he was setting up the road signs for the public.

Event days
Soon came time for the event to open to the public and with the stand setup and ready to welcome everyone the doors were opened.

A number of people visited the club stand to learn more about what we do. We also had some members join the club with some further potential members also thinking of joining. Thanks go to Andy M0IYE for producing some of the display boards and producing new material for the portable group, Stuart 2E0SFK for then arranging this new material on the boards and also Mary G6SWZ for producing a fantastic power point display.
The book stall was in its usual location with a variety of books for sale.

Myself (Stephen, M5SJM), Tony G0UOZ and Alistair M0TEF were manning the Lincoln Repeater Group Stand which was next to the Lincoln Shortwave Club stand to show the cooperation between the Group and the Club. Meanwhile Mary G6SWZ and Dave G6EWP were manning the LSWC Stand.

We thank all of those who attended and spoke to use at the stands. I was good to put some faces to voices of those that have joined the club net in the past and also invite new potential members to join the net and the club itself.
We hope to see you all again soon.
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